Your Guide to Screen Time

A 29 page guidebook that outlines a developmentally aligned and individualised approach to screen time (for 3-7 year olds) that will evolve as your child grows

Access the Guidebook for only $6!
There is so much noise around screen time

Whether it impacts play or it is considered play or whether it does correlate with hyperactivity or it's great for children who are hyperactive, none of that matters to you.

What matters to you as a parent, is the impact it's having on YOUR child.

I don't want to add to the debate, I want to show you exactly how to understand the key developmental needs of your child and how screen time MAY be impacting those.

Then I want to show you the 5 most common experiments I use with my own clients to ascertain the most individualised and developmentally aligned approach to screen time for each family.

When you've finished this booklet, you'll have the tools, knowledge and ideas to change things OR you'll feel confident to continue on with your current choices, knowing that they are working for your child's development.

Release the guilt and the worry and make screen time developmentally aligned and individualised to your own family's needs.

This booklet explores 3 key developmental needs and 5 experiments you can explore to make screen time more peaceful and easeful in your home, while releasing the guilt!

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29 Page Guidebook is yours to keep


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