Community Guidelines

Welcome to the The Raising Humans Collective community.

This is a safe space to discuss:

  • Your own challenges around your parenting experience or your own growth
  • Your difficulties AND successes in implementing the material in the membership
  • Any questions or thoughts that have come about since engaging with the material


It is most helpful to be specific about what you would like from your post e.g. feedback, ideas or to be heard and supported only. 


We want everyone to be part of our community and have their voice heard.


We encourage your feedback and aim to respond to your comments as soon as possible. While we do moderate this community, we welcome open discussion. 


We do aim to respond to comments within 48 hours however, you should not expect a response on the weekend. Please tag Ashleigh, Michelle or Carly again under the comment if you think we might have overlooked it. 

To help us manage everyone's questions, please keep each question to a paragraph. Dot points can help.


To help everyone enjoy our community, I ask that when you post, you keep in mind the following: 

  • We don’t allow defamatory, indecent, offensive, profane, discriminatory, misleading, unlawful or threatening comments. 
  • Please ask for consent in the forum before privately messaging individuals.
  • Personal attacks, name-calling, trolling and abuse will not be tolerated.
  • Spamming, posting promotional material or posting links to third party websites is not permitted.
  • We reserve the right to delete comments at our discretion and block any repeat offenders. I will remove content that is fraudulent, deceptive or misleading.
  • Respect that other people in the community have had different life experiences and may have a different perspective to yours. We welcome different viewpoints.
  • Please do not ask questions or give advice involving unresponsive parenting such as time outs, sleep training or punishments as this is a space for responsive parenting.
  • Our community is a place for anyone who is an active member of the membership. Don’t post personal information that you would not be comfortable sharing with a stranger.

Thankyou and we look forward to connecting with you in the forum.

Ashleigh, Michelle and Carly.